AccuSet 1000 Plus: The best selling and most popular Accuset. Same machine as the AccuSet 1000 except has manual cutter and is about 10 percent slower.
We are using a AGFA AccuSet 800 Plus Imagesetter here. We've been using Mac OS X with Classic and OS 9.2.2. In 9.2.2, all our applications can make use of the PPD for the 800, allowing proper linescreen defining and resolution for all our seperations. All the applications we use (Quark, Illustrator, Freehand, Pagemaker, InDesign, and Acrobat) can print and make use of the Print dialog boxes just fine, all the options from the PPD are availible. This is not the same in OS X.
If we use the OS 9 PPD, we get options. If we use a PPD for anopther AGFA product, we can still print, and we get the resolution options. I wanted to find out if anyone has seen a good imagesetter PPD that works with this model AGFA or can help troubleshoot? Are there any specific forums or FAQs in this area. I have visited the AGFA website and there is very llittle to no support for this product in OS X. Melodyne klyuch aktivaciya. Apple's website has provided a lot of information for general printing procedures, but nothing specific.:TUCK. RE: OS X AGFA PPD Imagesetter issue (TechnicalUser) 22 Sep 03 13:37.
What PPD have you been able to get to work under OSX? I have an Agfa Accuset 1000 Plus with a Viper RIP. Print Center will not recognize the PPD, and my Mac sees the RIP, but hangs it up trying to commuicate with it. All I want to do is make PostScript files that take advantage of what my imagesetter and RIP can do. This is not an issue for Illustrator 10 or 11 or for InDesign because they use their own print engines and recognize my PPD. But Quark 6 is a different story, it relies on a printer configured in Print Center.
If you find anything out, please let me know. Right now I'm tyring to re-write my PPD to try to make it OS X friendly. Chuck RE: OS X AGFA PPD Imagesetter issue. We have tried using the OS 9 PPD, and the converted OS 9 to X PPDs. There was all the ones from OS X. We have been having the same issues with any application in OS X, Quark 6 specifically.
Trying to get the RIP to take the file and process it correctly has been very difficult. We are using the Viper RIP too. Agfa has no support for this issue as far as I can find. Whenever we run a job, it comes out as all default settings, not what was setup in the Print Dialog boxes.:TUCK. RE: OS X AGFA PPD Imagesetter issue (TechnicalUser) 9 Nov 03 22:09. Instead of trying to re-write the PPD, I found one that works. Go to Adobe's site () to their downloads section and look for the PPD section.