Air Navigation Pro is one of the best navigation app for Android devices. You will download the Air Navigation Pro v2.0.5 FULL Cracked APK free latest version for your Android device.
Moving map GPS for the price of a dinner! Air Navigation for Android is a real-time aircraft navigation application with integrated flight planning. Using the GPS receiver (integrated or external) and accelerometers of the Android it can emulate different types of real IFR or VFR aircraft navigation instruments. May 23, 2017 - Air Navigation Pro v1.5.10 Apk Air Navigation for Android is a. 4AppsApk.com is a Free APK file direct download link service for the best.
Air navigation plan your routes with a few taps, track their flights and you have access to up to date waypoints and air spaces around the world of database free. Prepare your flight betterthan ever air navigation. Well, there’s good news, if you want to get it for free without any payments. We can help you! To be able to Download the app free, How to Download is very easy: select the needed file and click on “Download APK”, then select one of the download links that you want to get the apk file. You only need a few easy steps and get to enjoy the Air Navigation Pro FULL Cracked APK for smartphone or tablet!
Key Features: -Route planning -3D view of flight when the 3D data is loaded -Awareness field -Databases obstacle -Visual approach charts A WIDE RANGE OF DATA -Aeronautical waypoints (more than 160,000) -Airspace (over 50 countries) -Free maps (public domain or open code) -Nautical ICAO and sectional charts ATC flight plans -Approach charts (check the list of available countries) -Free Digital elevation model: Aerial photos and the commercial characteristics of awareness of vision and field of thesynthetic digital elevation model -Pre flight sessions showing NOTAMS (requires a subscription).
Air Navigation is a high quality flight planning and real time GPS navigation application for VFR pilots. With Air Navigation you plan your routes within a few seconds, track your flights and you have access to a database of worldwide airspaces and waypoints. Prepare your flight better than ever with Air Navigation. Go to the add-ons section of our website xample. Ch/ too see the complete list of free and commercial maps and other available products. Register to get database updates and download add-on maps and data from within the application.
The following Add-ons can be obtained for the app: Interactive waypoints (more than 180000) and airspaces (more than 100 countries). Free maps (open source or from the public domain). Aeronautical charts (ICAO, Sectionals, etc).
Approach charts (check list of countries available). Free elevation data. 3D Data for synthetic vision and terrain awareness feature. Notams (requires a subscription). ATC Flight Plans.
Free METARss & TAFs. Main features.
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Interactive Moving Map with Airspaces and Waypoints. Use official or in-official charts as background map. Display approach charts over the background map. Plan your routes on the moving map: Multilegs route editor with wind correction, speed, distance, headings and fuel computation. Map widgets (position in 2, 5, 10 minutes, bearing, extended runway, notams, etc). Elevation profile with terrain and airspaces in front of plane (free elevation data required). Terrain Awareness in 2D and 3D (3D data required).
3D synthetic vision with realistic view of the terrain. Support for internal gyros or external AHRS boxes. Displays speed, altitude, attitude, course. Support for external modules with static and dynamic pressure sensors. Live flight tracking, requires data connection and a free account on our website. Direct to Function.