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In 1950, Captain C. Moreno, commander of the Argentine ship Navy, wrote the following report: 'In 16 hours. March 24 crew of our ship seen in the skies over the island into Antarctic Disepshn object that was neither aeroplanom nor the satellite, weather balloon and nor any of the famous aircraft.' In June and July 1950, followed by a series of observations UFOs in the sky by Chilean and Argentine Antarctic weather. The Brazilian newspaper O'Estado 'in July 1950, reported looked like one of those UFOs: ' The object was inswept form, its surface flow from red to green. Zigzag machine flying in a westerly direction, changing course several times and speed.
The object remained stationary for about 20 minutes at an altitude of 5000 meters. Peredvigalsya it in full silence'. In September 1950, Officer A. Orrego Chilean Navy photographed a very large object flying inswept form manoeuvre in the sky of the Chilean Antarctic. February 19, 1956 Group of Chilean biologists flew by helicopter to the island in a sea of Vendella Robertson to take up his studies of flora and fauna.
Weather was storm. At 9 o'clock.
Radio stopped working. Suddenly, quite close to the helicopter shows two vertical inswept object. They blesteli in the rays of the sun.
After 15 minutes, one of the sites suddenly changed the situation on the horizontal and flew in a westerly direction. In doing so, it lost its metallic luster and began to flow all the colours of dark-red to purple.
The second object is doing dizzying maneuvers: moving zigzag, stopped abruptly, instantly accelerating, and all this totally silently. Such a 'demonstration' lasted about five minutes. Then the facility has changed its color and instantly disappeared. U researchers in the helicopter were two Geiger counter. They showed that radioactivity at the time of emergence of UFOs increased 40 times. Five years later the Brazilian meteorologist R.
Villena who has participated in the American Antarctic Expedition, also witnessed the emergence of UFOs. Villa was on board the icebreaker in the area of King George Island. Suddenly, a strange light beam crossed the sky. -- Cried a crew member. 'No, this meteorite,' - responded another.
Villa recorded in his diary: 'The shape and color of the object, flash of light produced by them - all this seemed very unusual. On our planet there is no such equipment.' Another member of the expedition described the UFO as follows: 'The object was multicoloured, had oval. He left a long red-orange trace.

Suddenly, he collapsed into two parts, as if exploded. Each part of the light white, blue and red, throwing over a rays in the form of letters at the end of V.
Ends of both parts descended very low, and almost go over the most ice, instantly disappeared over the horizon. ' Navy officially registered the incident as the emergence of 'meteor or some other glowing object.'