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Chapter 15 Formwork Guide to Concrete Construction Chapter 15 Formwork Chapter 15 Formwork Formwork has a dual function in concrete construction. It supports the plastic concrete until the latter is sufficiently strong to support the actions/loads imposed upon it and it imparts a finish to the concrete surface. This Chapter describes the different types of formwork used in modern INTRODUCTION Relevant New Zealand and Australian Standards 15.1 15.2 which must be met for formwork to perform satisfactorily.
The special requirements associated with the achievement of visually satisfying surface finishes are discussed in Chapter 13 Control of Surface Finishes. Information on formwork is contained in CCANZ publications IB 29 Formwork BASIC COMPONENTS OF FORMWORK 15.3 15.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMWORK 15.2 15.2.1 15.2.2 15.2.3 15.2.4 15.2.5 15.2.6 15.2.7 15.2.8 15.2.9 concrete construction and outlines the requirements Supplementary 15.2 General Strength Stiffness Accuracy Watertightness Robustness Ease of Stripping Standardisation Safety MATERIALS FOR FORMWORK 15.5 15.3.1 General 15.3.2 Choice of Materials for Concrete and IB 41 Formwork Detailing.
ACI 347R-14: GUIDE TO FORMWORK FOR CONCRETE Author: ACI Committee 347 Subject: Objectives of safety, quality, and economy are given priority in these guidelines for formwork. A section on contract documents explains the kind and amount of specification guidance the engineer/architect should provide for the contractor. As 3610 formwork for concrete vic.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD NOW!!! Source #2: as 3610 formwork for concrete vic.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD. The concrete surface finish shall comply with Section 3. 3610 Formwork for concrete AS/NZS 1576 Scaffolding 1576.1 Part 1: General requirements. AS 3610—1995 4 Standards Australia www.standards.com.au STANDARDS.