They're not that great, Dragonball Z Kai hasn't seen much change, it's noticeable but it's just so much more epic watching the original, Gohan sounds like a whiny girl, Vegeta and Piccolo sound too alike now, Goku hasn't changed much and Frieza is just downright old. Not to mention I don't think they're making a German version, and the Japanese version is way far ahead of the English version, we're up to the androids but not too far in. (Possibly when 18 gets absorbed? Can't remember) I *think* Japan version is starting up on the Buu saga. They're not that great, Dragonball Z Kai hasn't seen much change, it's noticeable but it's just so much more epic watching the original, Gohan sounds like a whiny girl, Vegeta and Piccolo sound too alike now, Goku hasn't changed much and Frieza is just downright old.
Not to mention I don't think they're making a German version, and the Japanese version is way far ahead of the English version, we're up to the androids but not too far in. (Possibly when 18 gets absorbed? Can't remember) I *think* Japan version is starting up on the Buu saga.A torrent to the original DBZ episodes would be also great, since I didnt them watch in years. Could you drop me a PM, please?
Some Japanese market Aria Pro II copies were made by Samick as well. They seem to have become a Japanese market exclusive brand by then. Diamond was a cheaper sub-brand of Aria, which moved production entirely to Samick around the same time.
Mar 21, 2018 - Dragonball all episodes torrent download Dragon ball: Dragon Ball all episode torrent Dragon ball always has been my favorite anime ever. Hmm I might recommend you to download directly from youtube via IDM if the torrents have less seaders. If you need them then I can provide you with the youtube playlists of Buu's saga and Gt permalink.
=) All of this staff was on TV like 10 years ago. Doubt its illegal. ---------- Post added 2011-10-02 at 03:24 PM ---------- I'm open for a PM. Then you'd be wrong at least in america even non kai is STILL seeing new releases from funimation. Just this year they announced how they are planning on releasing the ofiginal DBZ om Blu Ray.

So yeah not legal. Oh and OP Kai is what you want though they cut out the adult/teen gohan arc and any thing past that. If you live in the US it IS being aired on nicktoons at least mostly uncut.
In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth.
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The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret. Trivia Like in the previous series Dragonball, Dragon Ball Z has many naming conventions/jokes. Saiyans are all named after vegetables. Vegeta, both the prince, his king father and the Saiyan home planet (originally named Planet Plant), means Vegetable; Raditz is 'radish', and Kakkorotto is 'carrot'. The villain Freeza (originally Friezer) comes obvious, and his brother Cooler and their father King Cold. All Namekians born from the villain in Dragonball were named after instruments (Piccolo, Drum, etc.) The Briefs family were all named after underwear, Bulma meaning panties, Doctor Briefs himself, Trunks, and Bra.