Oct 24, 2017 - In this case you can edit a config file of the game directly. Browse to “C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common Metro 2033”. Use metro 2033 last light 3d vision profile. Dof not in cfg file and r_taa_enabled 0 not working.
So I want to enable those cfg. Commands like v-sync and fov in order to supposedly get more fps. The problem is that I can change the cfg. Setting on my steam metro 2033 folder but the 'application data' metro 2033 folder changes itself every time I start the game. And I know v-sync is not enabled since I can see that stupid screen tearing from the THQ logo. Also the fov looks consolish and that way I know that I did something wrong. I tried setting the cfg.
File to 'read only', I tried changing SYSTEM permission to deny writing, but it just created another SYSTEM user that has 'full permission'. Windows is a big fat troll, any help would be appreciated. So I want to enable those cfg. Commands like v-sync and fov in order to supposedly get more fps. The problem is that I can change the cfg. Setting on my steam metro 2033 folder but the 'application data' metro 2033 folder changes itself every time I start the game.
And I know v-sync is not enabled since I can see that stupid screen tearing from the THQ logo. Also the fov looks consolish and that way I know that I did something wrong. I tried setting the cfg.
File to 'read only', I tried changing SYSTEM permission to deny writing, but it just created another SYSTEM user that has 'full permission'. Windows is a big fat troll, any help would be appreciated. Try this: Open the cfg using the notepad (as opposed to wordpad). After you make the adjustments, press the 'save as' button. Then select 'all files'.
I found this from a 2010 posting on GameFAQs. Thought it would be good to post here due to recent sales. This covers Vsync, Global Illumination and FOV changes. 'ogresamanosuke Posted 3/18/2010 12:22:00 AM Well, first thing after installing and launching the game once to put in your settings.
Once you have the video and controls where you want, do this. 1) Go to your My Documents folder, and turn on Show Hidden Files in folder options. 2) Go to AppData / Local / 4A Games / Metro 2033 and open user.cfg 3a) Search for r_gi 0 and set it to 1. (Trust me.) b) Next search for r_vsync off and change it to on.
C) And lastly go down to sick_fov 45 and change it to 60. 4) Save file. Ctrl+C to copy it, and go to Steam / Userdata and do a file search for user.cfg 5) When and if it finds it (should), paste the file over to ensure settings propagate.
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What this does: Setting A turns on Global Illumination. Now, if you're running a weaker CPU, this might actually be a performance hit, but in most cases it actually acts as a gain. It changes the lighting to a different system that works better with DX10 and 11. So if you're running DX9, I'd recommend against this change.
For a full discussion on how dramatic this changes lighting in game, check Wikipedia. Setting B is Vsync. Fairly obvious, but the FPS gains are dramatic and prevents screen tearing. Discussion currently seems to believe the reason for the massive FPS gain is the with vsync on, all 3D display tech turns off, and since no drivers to use it anyway, no reason not to use this. Setting C is Field of View change.
This is most noticeable on widescreen displays. This one is up to you, but with so many complaints about nausea from having such a tight FoV, here you go. If you are fine with the cramped screen, ignore this or change it back. I still recommend it though, as things like your pneumatic weapon pressure displays frequently go off screen with 45 degree FoV.