May 28, 2016 fifa 16 moddingway mas fhl bl editor instalacion.
Hello Beta thank you for all your knowledge and work! I have spent months trying to edit the player growth in career mode and I have some things I don’t understand: In playergrowth.ini I don’t understand why they have YOUNG OLD and NORMAL curves because each curve has values for all ages so it doesn’t really make sense to me. What is the relationship between the separate curves and which players do they apply to in Career Mode.
Also I have tested a lot with the values in playergrowth.ini including making the values of all Mental over the age of 30 100 but still when the player reaches 30 years old they have a decline. I feel like there is something else in the equation of player growth that I am missing and I am not sure what it is. I searched through the.exe strings and I see things like “playergrowthmanager” so I am wondering if there is something that is built into the program that also plays into the growth system that causes the players to decrease at a certain age. I am really interested in any knowledge you may have on the player growth.ini and in general thank you for your time.
See the how to extract the strings listed below. If you enjoy playing the FIFA 16 career-mode, you may ‘hate’ Origin running on the background and eating up resources.
Origin also seem to have influence on the game, career-mode, gameplay, etc. What is Outcome? Outcome patches game *.par files without the need of running Origin on the background. Another great additional is allowing to select all FIFA 16 language at start-up (e.g.
English on a Russian copy). You can download the latest version at. Warning: Outcome patches *.par files of all Origin-games, it may be needed to update/repair these games in Origin after using Outcome (right-click on the game, choose Repair or Update). How to use Outcome with FIFA 16? Start Origin, open FIFA 16, but don’t hit Play yet 2. Start Outcome, login with your Origin credentials (it may be needed to disable two-factor authentication first) 3. Wait for the ‘You can now start playing!’ message 4.
Exit Origin (Menubar > Origin > Exit and click on ‘Yes’ if you really want to exit Origin), the FIFA 17 window should stay open 5. Hit the Play-button, enjoy!
Is Outcome Online Compatible? Testing revealed that Origin is still needed to play online and updating the game. You may want to update the game first before using Outcome. If you want to play online, simple start FIFA 16 without Outcome. Outcome doesn’t work (anymore)?!

Redo all the steps of ‘How to use Outcome with FIFA 16’ 2. Uninstall(!) Outcome and (re)install the latest version An Origin-update may sabotage Outcome from starting or even replacing this program! Is it legal and safe to use Outcome? For personal (legal) use it should be.