Nissan Extended Warranty allows you to benefit from your LEAF warranty for a longer period or mileage. The range of available contracts will enable you to select the one that best suits your needs. In case of a repair, only Nissan genuine parts will be used and fitted by Nissan trained technicians.

The copy I owned many years ago came in an thick cardboard cover which was pasted on back. Automatic mouse and keyboard kryak windows 7. Labels were lemon yellow. Didn't see such a copy again.
Copies sold since as original first pressings are all housed in an thin unipack single sleeve which is strange because all other US Epic covers from the same time period were manufactured in a most common way - of thick cardboard pasted on back, just like the copy I used to keep in my collection. Maybe that copy was a Canadian one (I do not recall any mentioning of Canada neither on cover or labels though)? Anyhow, there are Canadian pressings of US bands from the late sixties not included at Discogs'. Bertazzoni serial number location in california. Or it was the real, genuine US original first pressing, being so rare and elusive?
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