COM port redirector A COM port redirector ( tty port redirector under /) is specialized software (often including device driver and user application) that includes the underlying network software necessary to access networked device servers that provide remote devices. Overview The purpose of the redirector is to make the virtual exhibit behavior that closely resembles that of a 'real' COM port, i.e., a COM port driver for local hardware. A virtual COM port itself is a relatively simple software mechanism that can be implemented by driver software similar to that of a conventional COM port driver. The main challenges arise in two other areas: the network connection to the device server and the behavior of the device server. These issues are described in the Technology section below. Applications use a COM port redirector through one or more virtual COM ports that the redirector creates, as configured by the user. When the application opens the virtual COM port, the redirector makes an network connection to the device server at the specified IP address and TCP/UDP port number that corresponds to the remote device on the server.
Advanced Virtual COM Port is a professional serial communications utility, which combines network and local virtual COM port/virtual serial port functions into. Globo receiver software.

The COM port redirector then begins relaying the application data stream between the virtual COM port and the device server.
Accompanied by text/index: Sankt-Peterburg, tekst k turistskoĭ karte = Saint-Petersburg. 35 p.; 23 cm. Maps on verso: Sankt-Peterburg, t︠s︡entr, masshtab 1:20 000 -- Nevskiĭ prospekt = Newski Prospekt [aerial view] -- Sankt-Peterburgskoe metro = Saint-Petersburg metro.