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Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B) Increases the P.Atk of a B-Grade. Lineage II The 1st Throne: The Kamael Drop calculator Items; Blessed Scroll: Enchant.
I'm quite confused as why this server has so many +10 and higher weapons, whereas in l2 classic off, that's a rarity that is impossible to be found. Is this the effect that auction house makes, aka players risk enchanting to make money on ah. Or are the rumors about bugged enchants true. I've heard people talk that some rmt sites know how to bug enchant rates hence the density of +12 top c weapons on the market.
Not to mention that 4game l2 ewc prices are like 650k which is 3 times cheaper than here, so you would think enchanting would be more popular there. Even considering 2x adena rate here, enchants there are cheaper. What are your thoughts on this? Edited March 13, 2017 by Tankas. I'm quite confused as why this server has so many +10 and higher weapons, whereas in l2 classic off, that's a rarity that is impossible to be found. Is this the effect that auction house makes, aka players risk enchanting to make money on ah.
Or are the rumors about bugged enchants true. I've heard people talk that some rmt sites know how to bug enchant rates hence the density of +12 top c weapons on the market. Not to mention that 4game l2 ewc prices are like 650k which is 3 times cheaper than here, so you would think enchanting would be more popular there.
Even considering 2x adena rate here, enchants there are cheaper. What are your thoughts on this? The physical weapons are pretty easy to enchant actually since they are always 66,7 or 2/3. The casters ones are usually ppl buying homcus +7 from AH and enchanting them. The enchant rate has been fatally bugged since server started. I don't know when admins figured out, but each day they didn't take action the problem was accumulating, and it was not being taken care of for too long and now it's simply too late to just take these weapons from people.
The complete disaster is the fact that mage and fighter weapons (have) had equeal enchant rates. It was never supposed to be this way, if the rate for staffs is 2/3 as I suppose, it's a humongous bug which breaks the game. It isn't such a big deal here in 1.5, but when 2.0 eventually arrives, with the changes created in environment where mage weapons weren't supposed to go much beyond +5, it's going to be quite a show. I believe this is one of the reasons admins are delaying the 2.0 so much, there's simply no solution to this. To a certain extent it reminds me of the Big Bang theory, you can only go as far as only slightly after beginning, because you won't be ever able to explain how some mystical nothing - before existence of laws of physics - magically created energy in some kind of ' no-space' and ' no-time'. You're just left with either infinite 'we don't know yet', or simply admiting existence of some higher power, neither really works if you're looking for logical explanation. Similar here, either infinitely delay patch 2.0 or just let it go and you can rename server to a 'Nuker Simulator 2017'.
The enchant rate has been fatally bugged since server started. I don't know when admins figured out, but each day they didn't take action the problem was accumulating, and it was not being taken care of for too long and now it's simply too late to just take these weapons from people.
The complete disaster is the fact that mage and fighter weapons (have) had equeal enchant rates. It was never supposed to be this way, if the rate for staffs is 2/3 as I suppose, it's a humongous bug which breaks the game. It isn't such a big deal here in 1.5, but when 2.0 eventually arrives, with the changes created in environment where mage weapons weren't supposed to go much beyond +5, it's going to be quite a show. I believe this is one of the reasons admins are delaying the 2.0 so much, there's simply no solution to this. To a certain extent it reminds me of the Big Bang theory, you can only go as far as only slightly after beginning, because you won't be ever able to explain how some mystical nothing - before existence of laws of physics - magically created energy in some kind of ' no-space' and ' no-time'.
You're just left with either infinite 'we don't know yet', or simply admiting existence of some higher power, neither really works if you're looking for logical explanation. Similar here, either infinitely delay patch 2.0 or just let it go and you can rename server to a 'Nuker Simulator 2017'. Pretty much everything u said is bullshit Also mages are literally the worst parties outside of farming and killing tanks/bards lol. Do y ever tried to overchant here mage staffs it's really hard to do and all this demon +12 i have only 2 explanation: Or it's black market where Y know WHO already selling this weapons +++, or ppl know some kind of bug how to increase the chance, and pls don't tell me about LUCK there is no such a thing like luck in this game, all this rumors about THIS CHAR LUCKY and everything he craft or chant successes it's bull. I know only one thing, I'm personaly overchant here about 2-3 D fight weaps to +8 and the highest I reached here was +11 but it was all physical weapons, not demon staffs. Cmon Fryderyk, stop talking bullsh.t.