Jan 1, 2018 - I don't know how successfully it comes across on the TV show, but the Game of Thrones book series makes the storied history of Westeros as. Westeros: Total War is a modification for Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms. It is based on the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' (ASoIaF) novels by George R.R. This is an Apha release by the previous team. The new team has been working on this project for about a year now and we are making good progress but there is still a lot of work left to be.
A submod for Westeros: Total War designed to bring the look, the feel and the sounds of HBO's Game of Thrones to the world of Westeros. (Alas I have no affiliation with HBO) This submod is currently for version 0.53 of Westeros: Total War which is currently in Alpha stages but with a devoted mod team working hard to bring it to a full release.
The submod is compatible with both the Standard (Vanilla) version of Westeros 0.53 and also the Enhanced version. It is highly recommended that you visit the official mod page at TWCenter.net to get precise details and installation help. EDIT 2017-03/09: Update with quote-fix fixing the CTD:s after most battles, UI-image fix fixing CTD:s for Lannisters when they recruit units using these pictures with too large sizes (has been changed) and EDB recruitment done! EDIT as of - New MAC-compatible GoT:TW Enhanced version 4.9 uploaded!
- made Mac-compatible by TomSrx! - An installer has been made for both the CD and Steam versions of the mod! - Installer by Gigantus!
- More info down below. Before starting the mod for the first time: ALWAYS remove the rvm-file inside of GoT_Enhanced/data/world/maps/base - Otherwise the mod will CTD when trying to enter the campaign no matter what you do. When done with the above, and if you want to play the campaign, start a new campaign or load a campaign: Always start a quickbattle/custom battle and exit - then after you have done this ( each time when you start the mod) the campaign will start up just fine. With some factions you don't need to do this always - but there is a bug and the best way to avoid it is by starting and exiting a quickbattle first. Also, never use 'Auto Manage Everything' because that will cause the game to CTD alot for certain factions. Game of Thrones Submod for Westeros Total War, v.
4.9 (For windows). Installation: For CD-users: Install by extracting the mod like this 'Medieval II Total War mods GoT_Enhanced' - and start by doubleclicking the.bat-file.
Also, remove the RVM-file inside of Got_Enhanced/data/world/maps/base before starting the mod - and play a custom battle before trying to enter the campaign the first time you play as otherwise it will crash when trying to enter the campaign. For Steam-users do the usual installation.
Third alternative (for both Steam and CD-versions): Installation: Download this installer by Gigantus: Follow these instructions: The complete install procedure for disk AND steam: • from ModDB • Unzip the downloaded RAR file (WinRar is the best option and is also freeWare, 7-zip could work). • Move the unpacked GoT_Enhanced folder into the Medieval 2 Total War mods folder • and run the Games of Thrones Starter • Start the game with the desktop short cut Note: Make sure the installer points to the Medieval 2 Total War directory.
If you install into the wrong directory you will get this message, run the installer again: What it does: • Installs a Steam compatible BAT file • Installs an upgraded CFG file • Installs a new, properly formatted Icon • Provides a desktop short cut Regarding the music submod: ' This is what you need to do to get the awesome music to work: 1. Buy or download the albums of season 1 to 3.
The mod is already compatible with the music- you just have to get the music yourself and follow the instructions under this text - because i couldn't upload the full albums. And this mod is compatible with the full songs of the first three albums. The game-files are already in their places - just download the music mod for 3.0 in order to get the two songs in that folder, don't touch the textfiles and place the songs in the music folder inside of data/sounds/music.

- Create this folder if it doesn't exist. Place each song of albums 1, 2 & 3 in the music-folder inside of your sounds folder- which is inside the data-folder of your mod. Remove the 'Main Theme'-songs of season 2 and 3, as it is the same as the first song of season 1. Rename all songs to numbers from number 1 to nr 67.
Don't touch the two songs from the music mod that followed with the download. To be secure- delete the event.dat and event.idx-files inside of your sounds-folder together with the music.dat and music.idx-files. Now you'll have a fully working music submod.' The mod hasn't been updated mainly because i thought it a waste of time based on two facts: 1. Bs en 1090 2. Parafix and SGI's project would have the same units but the mod would be way more stable and have a superior much larger map. It is so unstable it wouldn't be worth the effort. I am thinking of adding the missing portraits, balance and the final minor house units to this mod.