Inside this zip you will find: - OFW 3.55 Folder - CFW 3.55 Folder - MultiMan 1.15 Manager * Newest MultiMan #1. Create on the root of a USB (formatted FAT 32) the following folders: PS3 UPDATE #2.
Which firmware is currently installed on your PS3? If you're on 3.55 Official Firmware jump to step #3. If you're on 3.55 CFW reinstall OFW from recovery mode then jump to step #3 If you're on 3.50 or less keep reading. Rename the PUP inside the OFW 3.55 SONY folder (OFW3.55.PUP) to PS3UPDAT.PUP Then put the renamed PUP into the folder you just create inside your USB‚ example: PS3 UPDATE PS3UPDAT.PUP Install PUP into the PS3 from XMB (Settings > System Update > Update via Storage Media) #3.
Programma dlya nastrojki antenni 4g. To make a new blog post.
Recommended Custom Firmware: Rebug 4.82.2 REX. Console banned? Permalink; embed; save. Many thanks to GeoHot who create first PS3 Jailbreak and who managed to fix the major bug of us PS3 Jailbreak software. We are jailbreak 4.83 like geohot and now we can offer you to download this jailbreak.
Now you're on Official 3.55 firmware its time to install the kmeaw custom firmware. #4.Rename the PUP inside CFW 3.55 Folder (CFWkmeaw.PUP) to PS3UPDAT.PUP Then put the renamed PUP into the same folder you just create inside your USB‚ example: PS3 UPDATE PS3UPDAT.PUP (if asked to overwrite say YES) #5. Go to Settings > System Update > Update via Storage Media and install the kmeaw Custom Firmware note - if a message appear saying you already got the latest version turn the PS3 on Recovery Mode and choose System Update from the menu #6. After reboot you should see the install package file and the app_home/PS3_GAME/ inside the Game Folder #7. Add the package multiMAN_v1.15.00_355GH.pkg to the root of any USB and install from the Install Package files option.