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Date vectors, specified as an m-by-6 or m-by-3 matrix containing m full or partial date vectors, respectively. A full date vector has six elements, specifying year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, in that order. A partial date vector has three elements, specifying year, month, and day, in that order. Each element of DateVector must be a positive or negative integer value except for the seconds element, which can be fractional. If an element falls outside the conventional range, datenum adjusts both that date vector element and the previous element. For example, if the minutes element is 70, then datenum adjusts the hours element by 1 and sets the minutes element to 10. If the minutes element is - 15, then datevec decreases the hours element by 1 and sets the minutes element to 45.
Month values are an exception. The datenum function sets month values less than 1 to 1. Example: [2003,10,24,12,45,07] Data Types: double.
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Note The symbolic identifiers describing date and time formats are different from those that describe the display formats of datetime arrays. Certain formats might not contain enough information to convert text representations of dates and times. In those cases, hours, minutes, and seconds default to 0, days default to 1, months default to January, and years default to the current year. Datevec and datenum consider two-character years (e.g., '79') to fall within the 100-year range centered around the current year. When you do not specify formatIn, note the following.
(1) Amount Previously Paid: (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: (3) Filing Party: (4) Date Filed: 16745 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92127 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS AND PROXY STATEMENT Dear stockholder: The annual meeting of stockholders of Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. Kodi po guiv.