The lockwork of the first model differed substantially from subsequent versions. The trigger return spring is a flat leaf rather than the coil spring-powered slide used in variations dating from 1905 onwards. In 1899, the United States Army and Navy placed orders with Smith & Wesson for two to three thousand Model 1899 Hand Ejector revolvers chambered for the M1892 U.S. Service Cartridge. With this order, the Hand Ejector Model became known as the.38 Military and Police model. That same year, in response to reports from military sources serving in the Philippines on the relative ineffectiveness of the new cartridge, Smith & Wesson began offering the Military & Police in a new chambering,.38 S&W Special (a.k.a.38 Special), a slightly elongated version of the.38 Long Colt cartridge with greater bullet weight (158 grains) and powder charge increased from 18 to 21 grains of gunpowder. In 1902 the.38 Military & Police (2nd Model) was introduced, featuring substantial changes.
Apr 06, 2014 18. Join Date Jan 2009. Location Central, NH. Posts 10,390. Liked 7673 times. I have a very old.32 revolver with no model number and a serial number of 2828. By BKSKTS in forum S&W Revolvers 1857 to 1945 Replies: 2. Smith&wesson serial numbers and years made. Click on a term to search for related topics.
These included major modification and simplification of the internal lockwork and the addition of a locking underlug on the barrel to engage the previously free-standing ejector rod. Barrel lengths were 4-, 5-, 6-, and 6.5-inches with a rounded butt. Serial numbers for the Military & Police ranged from number 1 in the series to 20,975. Most of the early M&P revolvers chambered in.38 Special appear to have been sold to the civilian market. By 1904, S&W was offering the.38 M&P with a rounded or square butt, and 4-, 5-, and 6.5-inch barrels. World War I [ ]. • ^ Supica, Jim; Richard Nahas (2001).
Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson. Iola Wisconsin: Krause Publications. • Boorman, Dean K., (2002), p. 46: 'The.38 in Military and Police Model 10 has historically been the mainstay of the Smith & Wesson Company, with some 6,000,000 of this general type produced to date. It has been described as the most successful handgun of all time, and the most popular centerfire revolver of the 20th Century.' • ^ Cumpston, Mike (2003-01-16).
Retrieved 2008-05-02. • Smith & Wesson did not succumb to the fad for short-barreled revolvers until 1936, when the firm brought out what was termed the 'S&W.38/32 2″,' later christened the 'Terrier' which was simply the round butt Regulation Police Model with a two-inch barrel. (Capt), With British Snipers to the Reich, Paladin Press (1988), p. 55 • Dunlap, Roy, Ordnance Went Up Front, Samworth Press (1948), p. 142 • (15 March 2010).
Iola, Wisconsin: Gun Digest Books. • ^ Supica, Jim; Nahas, Richard (2007).
Iola, Wisconsin: F+W Media, Inc. Pp. 141–143, 174, 210–211. • Martin, Orlando (January 2010). Dog Ear Publishing.
• Hunter, Hunter (2009). 'S&W Victory & Colt Commando Revolvers'. American Rifleman.
157 (6): 36–37. • Shideler, Dan (7 August 2011). Iola, Wisconsin: Gun Digest Books. • Boorman, Dean K., (2002), p. Ryabushko sbornik zadachi idz chastj 3. 46: 'The.38 in Military and Police Model 10 has historically been the mainstay of the Smith & Wesson Company, with some 6,000,000 of this general type produced to date.
It has been described as the most successful handgun of all time, and the most popular centerfire revolver of the 20th Century.' Retrieved 2018-08-09. Retrieved 2018-08-09. Retrieved 2018-08-09. Archived from on 24 November 2016. • ^ Arnold, David (28 February 2011).
Iola, Wisconsin: Gun Digest Books. 16 October 2016. [ ] • Sugiura, Hisaya (September 2015). 'Pistols of the Japanese police in the postwar era'.: 72–79. • Conboy, Kenneth (23 Nov 1989). The War in Laos 1960–75.
Men-at-Arms 217. Osprey Publishing. Archived from on 5 October 2016. United States. • Schwing, Ned (5 November 2005). Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications. External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to.
• • • at the.
Hello to all Smith and wesson 686 serial number database. I have received an old Smith and Wesson 38 special pistol which was passed to me from my grandfather. I have.2006-9-2 Does anyone have the breakdown of the serial numbers?. This is a discussion on Serial number breakdown within the MP.2011-5-26 Smith and Wesson Serial Number not.