If you are looking for Keratin in Albany and Latham NY, then hopefully you have noticed our Special during the month of July at all three of our! If you want to beat the frizz this summer, don’t hesitate to make your appointment!
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Read about the Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy below to learn more about the treatment but don’t forget to come on in to any of our locations for a consultation with one of our stylists. Q: What is Keratin Complex Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment? A: It is a specially formulated revitalizing and rejuvenating treatment for the hair that reduces frizz and curl. The advanced patent-pending formulation restores and restructures hair by infusing a special blend of natural keratin deep into the cuticle. The keratin is bonded into the cuticle by the heat of the flat iron to relax the hair’s sub-cuticle layer. Q: How much time should be allowed for each client? A: Time should be determined on an individual basis.
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It is recommended that you screen each client by asking about their hair length, type and texture. Please allow a 2 to 3 hour window. Q: What results can be expected after the treatment? A: The hair will be more manageable and take much less time to style. It will be noticeably softer and straighter, with added life and shine as well as a lengthened look. Q: Can hair be colored before the treatment? A great time to have the treatment done would be directly after permanent color, semi-permanent or highlights.
The treatment will extend the life and seal the color in, leaving it vibrant, however, for demi-gloss or toners have color done 3-5 days after treatment for optimal results. Q: Can the treatment be done on chemically treated hair, previously relaxed or straightened hair? A: YES, It is recommended to wait two weeks between any chemical services and adjust iron temperature based on hair type as listed in instructions. Q: How many days after the treatment before the hair can get wet or be washed?
A: You must wait 3 days (72 hours) before washing your hair or swimming. Q: Can the hair be pulled back or clipped up during the 72-hour waiting period? The hair should not have any impressions made by using bands or clips. Q: What should be done if the hair gets wet during the 72-hour waiting period? A: Blow the hair dry and flat iron with medium to low heat immediately.
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Q: What kind of shampoo and conditioner should be used? A: Sulfate Free Shampoo & Conditioner Q: How often can the treatment be done? A: The treatment can be done as often as every 4-6 weeks. Q: Is the re-application of the treatment done on the entire head or just on the new growth? A: The re-application should be done on the entire head as the build-up of keratin can only improve, not harm, the hair. Q: How long will the treatment last?
A: The treatment lasts 3-5 months, depending on lifestyle and maintenance, provided the client follows all after care instructions. Q: Should the hair be cut before or after the treatment? A: We recommend that the hair be cut after the treatment, as the hair will have a smoother texture and will lie differently. Q: Can the treatment be done on pregnant or nursing women?
It is not recommended. Information from KeratinComplex.com.

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