🔥THE VILE LAIR🔥 This DLC pack is a hideout/home reserved solely for the DARKEST of CYRODILL'S citizens. Truly complimenting THE DARK BROTHERHOOD and THE NIGHT MOTHER and THE BLACK HAND of THE DREAD FATHER SITHIS.💀 👻. Feb 3, 2014 - The Vile Lair (DLC5) is the sixth official plug-in for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The PC version of this plug-in is no longer available on the.
Another mission that gets you a new kind of lair to live in. This time you'll get a journal entry saying that you've inherited a place called Deepscorn Hollow. Go there and dive when you're near the map marker. You'll see a sunken trunk - the entrance is inside it.
Read the journal you'll find inside, and you'll be told to pay a visit to Rowley Eardwulf in Wawnet Inn (near the Imperial City) to get some additional equipment. Automatic mouse and keyboard kryak 1. As always, you'll have to buy all the expansions in order for the quest to end. A deluxe coffin = the quickest way to vampirism. As a ruler of such an evil and dark place as Deepscorn, you have a handful of things to entertain yourself with.
The coolest thing is you can instantly become a vampire and cure vampirism at any time. To become one, just have a sleep in a decorated coffin in one of the rooms.

To lift the curse, take some Purgeblood Salts from the vein on the wall (screenshot below) and touch the pillar in the middle of the 'fountain' room. It's really that simple now.
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