The story of Berea’s artisan community is interwoven with the historic Berea College, the first interracial and coeducational college in the South. Berea has a longstanding tradition of diversity, social justice, environmental responsibility and community service.
How to make a paving slab with your own hands using molds and a vibrating table Independently to produce concrete tiles for paving paths in the garden - on the strength of any master, there would be a desire. So, Ivan Stoletov from Grodno made a set of tiles for his site, and their cost compared to the purchased was half the cost, not counting the cost of delivery.
Probably, I would not have to manufacture the paving slabs myself, but in the firm where I ordered a set of these concrete products, a technological failure occurred - and a simple one could drag on for several months, which was not my plan. This led me to the idea of making a set of tiles with my own hands, the benefit was good warm weather and I had free time. Given the small amount of work, I decided to mold the tiles in plastic forms, and mix the concrete by hand.
For the same reason, I did not produce a special vibrating table, but I used a simple device, which I'll talk about a little later. I had a certain experience in making large-sized slabs with wooden and metal forms, but there was a specificity, and I had to experiment in something. See also: TOOLS, MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF THE SELF-MODULAR TILTURE TILE Purchased plastic molds, trowel, spatula, rule, shovel, chopper, hammer, grid for sieving gravel and sand, cement, water, bucket, lubricant and paintbrush (for lubrication of molds), shaker for molding, armature, binding wire.
Forms for tiles I needed only four plastic molds to master the required amount, which is about 500 tiles. It was a great temptation to purchase large-size shapes - 50 X 50 X 5,5 cm or 60 * 60 * 5,5 cm: bribed simplicity of molding and a large area of tile. For comparison, I bought one such form and produced nesnolko prototypes. The smaller tiles proved to be more profitable, so I decided to use shapes of 30 dimensions '30' Zcm. It took me just over a month to make the whole lot.
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The process could be speeded up, but I did not rush things: I always had enough work in the dacha section, and I was engaged in tiling in parallel, because concrete in the process of making tiles needs time to set strength both before and after molding. Composition of concrete mixture The composition of the concrete mixture, consistency and viscosity, I chose experimentally. These parameters significantly affect the quality of the tiles (the presence of porous shells in concrete) and the speed of dialing with a mixture of strength. It was also necessary to choose the right consistency of lubricant, on which the quality of the tiles depends, and the convenience of molding. Concrete mix I took in the following proportion: sand with fine gravel, three volume parts, cement - one part.