Welcome to the WifiDog Auth-Server installation and configuration script. WiFiDog Authentication Server Version: (Development). This Software is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it in any way, under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence V2 or later, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is provided without any warranty (either implied or express) of any kind, as such, it is installed entirely at your own risk. More information can be found in the GNU General Public Licence. THIS PROGRAM IS STILL IN A BETA STAGE, PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS AT To Continue this installation you will need to enter the password found in the file: /home/mcfrazier/www/eznotifier.com/wifidog/tmp/dog_cookie.txt on your server's filesystem.
Please enter it when prompted. This is to stop accidental or malicious activity from users gaining access to the install.php file if you dont move it from the base directory.
Help The A suffix usually indicates it went back to the factory for repairs in which it may have had the frame replaced. Smith wesson ctg serial number. AxxxxxxA I cannot find this number on any lists. I have a Smith and Wesson model 41 22 lr. Field strip it to see if the barrel and / or slide is so numbered to the gun. The serial number starts with A and ends with a A.
Author Message musson DD-WRT Novice Joined: 31 Aug 2010 Posts: 14 Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 0:44 Post subject: WiFiDog and Windows Auth Server Has anyone set up a Windows based WiFiDog Auth Server and used it with dd-wrt? I have the server installed (I followed the WiFiDog installation instructions, they were not completely accurate) but I have a problem with it placing multiple slashes and back slashes in the url's for various pages including the logon page (something like logon.php). I also can't find any useful documentation on how to set up the client in dd-wrt. Any help is appreciated.
During the install process (Install.php), you are asked for an admin login and password for Wifidog. If your unsure, or cant remember, just run the install.php again and you can reset it. Once thats done, you should be able to login. Installing WiFiDog on Windows XP = == THIS GUIDE IS IN PROGRESS == After a huge effort, I have managed to get WiFidog Auth running on Windows XP.