Data rozhdeniya ukazana po staromu stilyu. Ego ded — izvestnij russkij uchenij-agronom Aleksej Fedorovich Fortunatov, professor Petrovskoj (nine Timiryazevskoj) sel'skohozyajstvennoj Akademii. Download PDF catalogs / Kataloge of PRECIOSA, SWAROVSKI, SCHONBEK, KOLARZ, ALDIT.
Handwritten drafts and sketches of poems, videomas, and articles, among others: 'Pokaianie [Pokaian'ie]', 'Nigde ne zhivut khuzhe nashego.' , 'Rozetka', 'Motsart', 'Molitva', 'Moia strana', 'Tusovka', 'Podosinovik' ('Dasha, krepen'kii podosinovik.'
, 'Na ploshchadi'), 'Na', 'Puteshestvie iz Leningrada v Sankt-Peterburg' ('Iamby'), 'Ne razliubite bez vzaimnosti.' , 'Mumii mysli' ('Na kamen'iakh volna, otzhavshis'.' ), 'Ia-lov', 'V', 'Pesnia 'Na' ', 'TV-60', 'Krestik [?]', 'Progulka', 'Val'dshnep', 'Barkov', 'Vrez k 'LG' ', 'Ual'd (2 vstavki)', 'E - A' ('Khvataiut vozdukh shesterki [?] Kremlia.' ), 'Igor', Vladimir, Dmitrii', 'Krasnyi kupliu beret.' , some of them in several variants.
Subjects and Indexing Terms. Handwritten drafts and sketches of poems, videomas, and articles, among others: 'Zaiach'i sledy' ('Tri dyrochki prochti.' ), 'Kogda mne ochen' plokho.'
('Kogda sovsem uzh plokho.' ), 'Kogda chelovek umiraet.' , 'Okna' ('Svet potushi. Zazhgutsia okna.' ), 'Valtorna' ('Romans'), 'Pesnia' ('Byl ia shesterkoi.'
),, 'Peredelkinskaia voda' ('Shlo ubiistvo, kachaia bitsepsy.' ), 'Palindrom drugu' ('On akter, khudozhnik on.' ), 'Ochisti, sneg.'
, 'Eshche ochisti, sneg.' , 'Moia planida' ('Ssudi mne trista millionov.' ), 'Rozhdestvo [?]' ('Vz-vylo szadi.
Ia slyshu migaiushchii zov.' ), 'Gost' '('Chto za gost' poselen na planete Zemlia.' ), '#17' ('Rozovye ot rassveta.'
), 'Pevets', 'Khudozhnik sovremenen, superironichen.' , some of them in several variants. According to the author's list of content, incl. Also 'Pis'mo', 'Ne chitaite.'
, 'Taburety', 'Verter [?]', 'Podrazhanie Mikelandzhelo', 'Tam (Palindrom)', 'Debiussi [?]', 'Ottuda'. Subjects and Indexing Terms. Handwritten drafts of poems, among others: 'Letite, letite, letite.' , 'Shchenok po imeni Avos' ' ('Kak ty zhivesh', Avos'ka.' ), 'Proraby dukha' ('Ne glasno i ne poradno [?].'

), 'Lastochki' ('Na mai obrushilis' meteli.' ), 'Dva dvortsa v Likani' (no text, the title only), 'Podpiska' ('Podpishite menia na Izbrannogo.' ), 'Gruzinskii khram' ('Timotes Ubani', 'U khrama, gde pogoda golubaia.' ), 'Rezinovye' ('Ia nenavizhu vas, liudi-reziny.' ), 'Agrogorod' ('Gorod kormit derevniu.' ), 'Gde oni poliubili.'
, 'Stoletie Khlebnikova' ('Lunatik tsifiri.' ), 'Migi' ('Tsennei Samofrakiiskoi Niki.' ), 'Pereezd' ('Podnial glaza ia v poiskakh istiny.' ), 'Demonstratsiia' ('Kak denapoleonizatsiia.'
), 'O Gruziia, ty - panorama.' , 'Na eksport' ('Vnutri refrizheratora ne poshalish'.'
), 'Velika Ekaterina.' , 'Madam de Probir' ('Kak nashi muzhchiny, madam Perekusikhina.' ), 'Mart' ('S Cheremushkinskogo rynka.' ), 'Pop--pevets' ('My, vampiry.' ), 'Omytye svetom derev'ia.'
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, 'Elechvok' ('Pobeditel' prirody', 'Chelovek meniaet kozhu.' ), 'Staryi osobniak # 10' ('Dusha stremitsia k konservatizmu.' ), 'Drug' ('My ryli tonnel' navstrechu drug drugu.' ), 'Otkrytka' ('Chto tebe privezti iz Parizhu?' ), 'Nemalo zhizn' mne primeriala shmotok.' , 'Katis' na vse chetyre storony.'