Jan 14, 2016 Ric Flair, Larry Zbyszko, Barry Windham, & Sid Vicious vs. Sting, Brian Pillman, Rick Steiner, & Scott Steiner (WarGames).
In this instructional will be teaching how to make war games terrain pieces,For use with Warhammer scale Models,Or Trains Etc. I have been making these for around 10years due to the highly expensive prices pre made buildings will cost you most likely in the £100s and 100s. Making your own terrain is cheaper more fun and each model becomes your own Unique work,with its own little extras and embellishments added by yourself some ideas will be added rest will be left up to your imaginations.example ruined buildings nothing more,add a bunch of broken pipes and tubes,turn it into a factory! With nothing more then a few chimneys.
Tools Needed! This is quite a lengthy list of materials,but are all easy to obtain and or readily available. 2:Super Glue. 3:Alot of PVA Glue. (Buy the 5liter tank kind if possible) 4:Tons of Cardboard Toilet Roll Tubes,Foil wrap Tubes,Lots of variations of card in all its forms.(exempt the laminated stuff) 5:Emulsion Paint,Acrylic Paint,Metal Paint.

6:Rocks & Pebbles,dig up your garden can collect some if you cannot find some local strewn around car parks etc,or buy some from a garden center. 7:Course & Fine Grain Sand. 8:Box Cutter,Pin Vice,Hole Punch,File set,Exacto blade kit. 9:Various Kinds of Sand Paper. 11:Ceramic Tiles x2.(make great paint pallets & drying stands) 12:Various Collection of New Used,And Old Paintbrushes. 13:Drinking Straws,also the kind with bendable necks. 14:Filler,ready made & Self Mix Powder (kind used for wall and plasterboard repair) 15:Wool,Cotton balls,String,Household Sponge.
16:Plastic materials of interesting shapes,source of these being yoghurt pots plant pots,candy containers. 17:Masking Tape,Celotape(Transparent kind).
These are but a few of the materials that may and or will be needed. Many Different Projects and Builds will be Listed and or Added here. Everything you need to make a Whole battle field complete with everything from ruined bombed out buildings shot full of holes and covered in blast marks,to deadly minefields and crucial ammo dumps,all broke up by craters strewn crates ammo boxes fences,spike walls and tank traps. (Not all Construction's will be added strait away as i need to dig out and then recreate each structure and design for recreation) (Picture is of some desert rock spires created from card construction not shown). (A STEP BY STEP GUIDE OF ALL THE BELOW WILL BE DETAILED AT A LATER DATE,ONLY MY OLD COMPLETED MODELS AT THE MOMENT),that and a detailed description on construction.
For this, Much Cardboard will be needed try obtain corrugated card if possible that is nice and thick,hot glue,And lots of PVA Glue next,Sand And emulsion paint.Masking tape (or more glue) Wall Filler,Pen and Ruler. First off get your templates created,and draw out how you want each side of the building to look,do not forget floors will be added at the bottom and middle levels of each building,account for this with 2cm extra on your template,see pictures. Now Cut out the template from the outside outlines,Followed by the Windows,And or Door/Doors,and repeat to the other side of the building,you will be only making a 2 sided structure,if you wish to have more sides simply add make another building and put it in opposite see picture,for a complete structure,but your not doing that yet until you make more.
Next cut out the 2 floor sections,do this by first gluing your two building sides in place and measuring the distance inside the angle in the corner building,now make two piece one floor smaller then the other,lower floor being larger (For extra Effect Cut out Small Squares and glue them to the floor pieces as tiles,see my building in the pictures,that is optional,you might just want to add a small hatch or cut out a small space for a ladder! Now glue your floor sections in place and leave to dry for a while,then add a little watered down PVA glue in all the corners and joints,joins of the building,and wait for that to dry,its worth placing your building on a piece of paper so it does not glue itself to the table!,gravity will pull the glue down into all the joins and glue it to the surface below,so place on a sheet of A4 Paper,paper towel will do nothing. Once you have Left the building to dry for a while and the glue is still a bit sticky and not full dry,but now more solid and fixed in place,Break out the masking tape or filler,and fill every gap in the corrugations of the card doors and windows,i find it better to use a slightly watery paste and use a couple of brushes into the holes in the card,see pictures,leave this to dry for 12hours in a warm place such as an airing cupboard,once dry and all the filler is white and no longer Gray,use a file and or sandpaper to remove excess filler from off the walls around the windows,top,and or door/s. Now Adding Embellishments and battle scaring,depending on what kind of battle,Your will either want to cut small scratch like sword cuts into the walls,and add small sticks in clusters as spikes or spears,i added Bullet holes of various Sizes to resemble different calibres of weapons,and also cut out smaller sections around a window or two to add to battle damage,some caved in card,just push some in with your thumb,when textured looks like structural damage in the wall as it crumbles inside from shockwave damage.next Get your Sand! Use the fine sand for this,and get a medium amount of watered down emulsion wall paint any colour will do,and add a few big pinches of sand to the mix now apply this gritty paint to the card walls of your building all over and let it dry some,then use the last of the texture paint on the building in parts where the sand it uneven on the walls spread it around and get it evenly distributed on the walls and into the bullet holes or sword cuts you cut previously.leave to dry for a last time,leave for 24hours+ this time,can take a while to dry and become hard. When it is Dry Add Final touch's,pipes tiles etc,inside the building itself,i used small cut straws and glued on the underside of each floor and pushed into the holes in the card before using filler,i also used large drinking straws glued in place as supports on the lower floor of the building see pictures. Repeat this multiple times in a batch build 3/5 buildings of various shapes and sizes will be enough for a small city edge in model terms,and looks very good indeed when placed in close proximity to other buildings creating usually one large structure.
Minimize stress and get plenty of sleep 4. Halid ziya ushakligilj zapretnaya lyubovj knigu.